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(952) 401-7700
Foot pedal for hands-free mix control

The FP-2 is a multi-function foot pedal allowing hands-free control of key CS-SOLO and CS-DUO features. The FP-2 allows musicians and performers to make channel selections and mix adjustments without taking their hands off their instruments or microphones. By tapping or holding each button, users can select channels, adjust volumes and activate the built-in intercom on the personal mixer. When using a CS-DUO, select “MIX A” or “MIX B” on the FP-2. By connecting two FP-2 units together, both mixes on the CS-DUO can be controlled.

Livemix FP-2 hands free personal mix control top image
Livemix FP-2 hands free personal mix control top image
Livemix FP-2 hands free personal mix control bottom image
Livemix FP-2 hands free personal mix control angle image
Livemix FP-2 hands free personal mix control top imageLivemix FP-2 hands free personal mix control bottom imageLivemix FP-2 hands free personal mix control angle image


This brochure is a great place to start. Not only does it have a comparison of Livemix vs. other personal monitor systems, it also has great articles on the benefits of personal monitors and how to make a great personal monitor mix.


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